What They Are Saying

“No one who sees this film can fail to be impressed by these important humanitarian efforts that made such a profound difference in the lives of those rescued and rehabilitated. One seldom concludes a Holocaust-related film by feeling morally uplifted but this is a film that celebrates human decency and compassion.”
– Michael Berenbaum, Director, Sigi Ziering Institute, American Jewish University

“…a very powerful film…”

“The film offers such compelling examples of solidarity across faith divides – and the way that solidarity with our fellow humans is vital to ensuring fundamental human rights for all of us.“
– Chelsea Hedquist, Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice

“This film has a strong message of hope and optimism for humanity in the darkest hours.  I hope that many people are able to see it.”
–  Sydney Jewish Museum

“…a moving and beautifully told story about unsung heroes…”

“The documentary’s extraordinary narrative via a blend of powerful archival footage and personal storytelling adds an important dimension to the Shoah narrative.  It reminds one that acts of loving kindness, especially when leaders are setting examples by their public statements and demeanor,  can have significant impacts  on multiple levels and scales even in the worst of times.”
– Eric Eisenstadt, President Northern Hebrew Congregation

“The national histories and individual stories are compelling enough, but at the same time the viewer of Passage to Sweden absorbs more general lessons about democracy, governance structures, and the importance of explicit shared values in civil society. ”
Judith Anderson, Wallenberg-Sugihara Civil Courage Society

“It was the best event we’ve had.. You covered a lot of angles in the 60 minutes!”
Alan Le Fevre, Wallenberg-Sugihara Civil Courage Society

“Passage to Sweden is an essential piece of historical documentation that needs as broad an audience as possible.”
Norman Gladstone, Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre 

“Wow!  The stories of these humanitarian heroes were incredible!  I am looking forward to sharing this event with as many of our constituents as possible.”
– Barbara Yuson, Fundraising & Development Advisor,  NJ Jewish Federation 

…”The audience was captivated by your film and your interview was so warm and thoughtful…”

“Passage to Sweden inspires conversations about our shared humanity. Our successes and failures.”
– Torben Jenk,  son of Danish Resistance member Jørgen Jenk

“It’s a very powerful film, and we are very glad that we could help to spread the word.”
– Heather Donoyou, Viking.TV

“Something I love about the film, is the role of Raoul Wallenberg and Swedish citizens in their ‘concern for the stranger’, and how significantly that ties into Jewish values.”
– Anne Read, Director of Community Collaboration, Jewish Federation of Ottawa

“…a film that celebrates human decency…”

“Passage To Sweden is a moving and beautifully told story about unsung heroes of the Holocaust.  It should be seen by everyone who values humanity and compassion for others.” 
– Jed Blaugrund, Film Critic, The Signal

“Passage To Sweden  reminded me that though hell may rain down,  every human being has the power to chose the side of goodness.” 
– Rabbi Zushi Rivkin, Pasadena Jewish Academy

 “I would definitely encourage teenage school groups to see this documentary”
– Kathy Kimball-Wurster, Director Zachor Antisemitism Initiative

“The audience was captivated by your film and your interview was so warm and thoughtful.
– Edna LeVine, Director of Community Engagement Atlantic Jewish Council  

“It is a particularly compelling story”
– Esther Jacobsen Bates, Executive Director , Elverhoj Museum of History & Art 

“..It was the best event we’ve had..”